Then there's Amazon. Oh, Amazon and all your product reviews, how I love and loathe you at the same time. I think I have finally picked a winner of an item, then I visit Amazon surprised to see that everyone hates my pick. Ugh. Enough of my rant. Back to the baby!
Guess what?! My babe is rolling over, eating avocados and teething! Yikes! Where did the time go? Seriously? I was just birthing her yesterday y'all. She is getting so very big, so so fast. I find myself watching her play with her toys, discovering new things (like her toes, teeheehee), sitting in her high chair, grabbing at her bowl and spoon, "talking" and jabberin' all day long, and then I begin to understand the heartache. The heartache that my parents felt as I walked down the isle for high school graduation, college graduation, and then when I got married.
I always wondered... Why are they always crying when I do something awesome? Well, dumdum, now you know! It's because they love you more than life itself! You are their baby girl and now you are moving on with your life. It's heartwrenching. I feel it and she's only 4 months old.
What in the world am I going to do when she graduates? Let's not even talk about her wedding day, I'll start sobbing again. By the way, don't watch Father of The Bride post baby, it's definitely no longer a funny movie. It's a horror story.
Speaking of stories, here's a funny one...I went to visit my very sick grandfather in the hospital today and found myself being one of those annoying parents who whips out their phone and shows 20 or 30 pictures to some poor unsuspecting soul in a hospital bed. Poor dear had this, "who are you and why do I care about your child" look. I didn't care, she obviously wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and who wouldn't want to look at my precious punkin, right? ;) Poor lady... Never, ever thought I'd be one of THOSE, but I am, and darn proud to be.
My heart aches when she's away from me, even if it's only for 4 hours, it's like I'm naked, and a part of me is missing. My husband kinda gets irritated when we go out on dates or I go to get a massage and I tell him these things. He giggles and says it's not like she's even away from me, because all I do is talk about her and show pictures of her and think about her the whole time. It's different for him though. He's gone each day for work or for class and he has to have his mind focused elsewhere. Me? I'm here all day and all night, playing and loving on my sweet little Princess. She is my whole life now. Do you all feel the same way about your wee one? I don't know how you couldn't. She IS my heart. I can't even remember life without her. Funny how fast that happens...
Well, that's all I have for today. She's off to sleep in baby land and I am here gabbin about her while she sleeps, lol... Back to reading some more baby product reviews on Amazon.
G'night y'all!